Barrier 4: Agency lacks capacity to create and sustain effective partnerships to serve broader constituencies
The capacity to identify, create, and maintain successful partnerships is needed to improve and increase the agency’s ability to engage and serve broader constituencies. This recognizes that agencies cannot fully engage and serve all constituencies alone and that partners have opportunities and resources that agencies can leverage to better serve broader constituencies (e.g., fundraising, education, lobbying).
Strategy 1: Prioritize creating and maintaining partnerships that effectively expand agency capacity to deliver programs and services to broader constituencies
Agency capacity is required to create and maintain effective partnerships, especially those that focus on broader constituencies. Effective partnerships with organizations whose mission aligns with the agency’s priorities can enhance and expand the agency’s ability to deliver programs and services to broader constituencies.
Step 1: Identify the benefits and opportunities of engaging with, and serving, broader constituencies that are provided by expanded and diverse partnerships.
Tactic 1: Explore and document the benefits and opportunities that partnerships might provide to increase engagement with broader constituencies.
There are numerous potential benefits to partnerships including their ability to reach broader constituencies and enhance conservation. These benefits should be identified for current and potential new partnerships to help justify new or expanded partnerships.
Step 2: Identify and engage with partners whose mission(s) align with the agency's mission to engage and serve broader constituencies.
Tactic 1: Identify potential partners.
Potential new partners that have missions and goals that overlap with the agency’s and will engage and serve broader constituencies should be identified. The mission and constraints of new and potential partners should be understood and respected. Current partnerships should be identified and reviewed, and priorities determined for those that can effectively engage and serve broader constituencies.
Step 3: Prioritize and dedicate staff to maintain effective partnerships.
Tactic 1: Identify skills and resources needed to create and maintain effective partnerships.
Identify the staff skills, resources, and commitment needed to create and maintain effective and productive partnerships. These might include training in meeting management, facilitation, and conflict resolution, as well as resources for conducting meetings with partners.
Tactic 2: Demonstrate commitment to partnerships.
Resources to create additional or improved capacity to develop and maintain partnerships should be acquired or redirected from other sources. Staff should be supported and rewarded for expanding or maintaining effective partnerships.
Tactic 3: Create and maintain effective partnerships.
Appropriately leverage partner resources to increase or improve engagement with, and service to, broader constituencies (e.g., use unified messages). Be a good partner by sharing agency resources (e.g., information, equipment) and expertise.
© Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission works with the Wildlife Foundation of Florida and other partners to protect Florida’s wildlife species.