Roadmap Glossary

Barrier – Conditions (structurally, culturally, fiscally, administratively) that are or might be impeding the engagement and service to broader constituencies.

Broader Constituency(ies) – Individuals and groups of people who are not currently engaged in a meaningful way in conservation or with a conservation agency. These might include diverse ethnicities and backgrounds, youth, the elderly, people with disabilities, new immigrants, people of various economic or educational backgrounds, and people who live in urbanized communities with limited or no access or personal connection to fish or wildlife.

Fish and Wildlife Relevancy – Conservation that is essential or connected to important aspects of people’s lives such as their physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being, protection from severe weather, education, and economic prosperity.

Nature-based value(s) – Kellert (2014) describes eight values related to nature, or what he calls biophilia: affection, attraction, aversion, control, exploitation, intellect, spiritual, and symbolic association with the natural world.

Public Engagement – Intentional, meaningful interactions between natural resource management agencies and their constituents that provide opportunities for meaningful engagement with and management of wildlife and other natural resources.

R3 – Refers to the recruitment, retention, and reactivation of outdoor users. The term is also used to represent a set of theories and best practices to creating customer pathways to outdoor participation popularized in the National Hunting and Shooting Sports Action Plan.

Relevancy – Pertaining to programs, practices, and policies that increase an organization’s engagement with and service to broader constituencies.

Social Science – a branch of science that deals with the institutions and functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of individuals as members of society (Merriam-Webster).

Strategy - A directed course of action or plan to achieve a specific outcome.

Tactic - A specific action or activity to implement a strategy.

Value Orientations - Expressions of fundamental values revealed through a pattern of basic beliefs, behaviors, and behavioral intentions.


Staying on Track: Evaluating Relevancy Efforts


Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Relevancy Resolution